Saturday, February 6, 2016

A Friendship Festival encounter

We were stopped at the Yokota Friendship Festival by a guy who wanted to take our picture. I agreed and he said he would email the picture. He did!

After the festival, the girls helped Matt and his co-workers pick up trash.

A circus party

We don't have an organized homeschool group in Japan, but we do have some good friends who also homeschool, that invited us over for a circus party. here are my dear friends, DanElle and Hannah. Friends are family in the military.

They went all out on the decorations and activities! 

Fun friends! 

Two sumo wrestlers

We attended the Back-to-School carnival at the elementary school on base. They had this sumo wrestling game. The girls LOVED it, and it was so fun to watch!

Halloween in September?

Ella LOVES Halloween, and talks about it year round. She started decorating in September this year!

The pool to ourselves

We love summer days at the pool, even fall days! The pool was deserted the first week of school, even though Japanese September's are still HOT! Ella loves to head to the high dive first, before getting wet at all. She loves that rush of cold water all at once.

They've become great swimmers in Japan. 

Some of our favorite friends, the Kever kids. 

First day of school 2015

Even when you homeschool, the "first day of school" is a monumental occasion!

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Ella's loom

Ella thoughtfully decided to purchase a weaving loom with part of her reading program winnings. 

She really enjoyed creating this cozy scarf and did such beautiful work too!