Friday, September 25, 2015

Dog sitting

Believe it or not, we dog sat! The girls were in the clouds, and the dog was actually such a sweetheart! He did not stay at our house, but we walked him and fed him everyday. His name was Riley and the girls made $30 for watching him 3 days. They were very happy.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

An outing with Kayoko

Kayoko invited us to tour her the school her daughter attended, and is now teaching at. It is the very prestigious, American School in Japan. We went with the Soh girls, and another Japanese family.

Summer monsoon

We love the warm summertime monsoons in Japan.


Overnight visitors

We hosted two Japanese students overnight. The girls had a ball running around the neighborhood and jumping on the trampoline.

The Japanese will ALWAYS bring a gift when coming to your home. We got these lovely chopsticks from the girls. 

Pajama party! 

The also collected 153 cicada shells, for fun. Ewww! 

Swim class graduation!

We started swim class shortly after arriving in Japan, and after going twice a week for two years, they finally graduated! (Ella finished last December, but kept going to class with Eva for something to do.)

They are Red Cross certified swimmers, now. 

We have LOVED their Japanese instructors. Attention is paid to every detail. They are REALLY proficient.